Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Friday, 28 February 2014

The Paleolithic Family

Well, we went mostly Paleo in my household. I say mostly because we are finishing up the rice & beans we have in the pantry. We eat those about twice a week to get them finished up.'s 100% Paleo!

I love Paleo! In less than a week I was able to take my children & myself off our meds! Yes, we talked to our family physician! She was all for our new diet change. My kids are actually more focused & calmer than they were even on their ADHD meds. How exciting! We were also able to take them off their allergy meds!

Everyone is sleeping better, better moods, & I've even lost 15 pounds! Woot! We've always eaten healthy, thinking whole grains, etc were the way to eat. Pft, I put on tons of weight following the government's food pyramid, kids were sick, had to be on meds etc. Not anymore, we are done, finished. We have found the best way for us to eat & we're happier for it.

I know it's not for everyone, of course these are just my experiences. As with everything, I urge you to do the research, find out what's best to make you happy & healthy.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

ACV- Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

I personally use Braggs Raw, Unfiltered ACV with 'The Mother'. 

I LOVE IT! My family loves it! We put about 1 teaspoon in an 8 ounce glass of filtered water. 

Sometimes we add a splash of organic lemon juice & a teeny bit of local raw, unfiltered honey.

I encourage you to research the health benefits! Since I've been drinking it I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel. I've lost more weight, I have more energy & my skin glows! Who wouldn't love that!