Monday, 17 February 2014

Canola Oil: It's not good for you

Came across a great article on canola oil, outlining all the reasons it's bad for you. In my home we avoid it like the plague. We purchase oils & products containing: olive oil, coconut, avocado, etc. When we buy the oils themselves they are of course, organic, virgin cold-pressed. I teach my kids when it comes to food it you can't read it, pronounce it or recognise, the ingredient don't buy it. Canola is one of the forbidden ingredients, made from rapeseed, using a gasoline by product to turn it into canola. Like the article says "there is no such thing as a canola plant", so why do we consume the oil. People are NOT EDUCATED! The majority of people are sheep! Eating what they are told, what the FDA says is safe, false advertising, etc, the list goes on & on.

 People MUST educate themselves on what they are eating!

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